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Get ready for the green wave! Even as nations struggle to come to terms with the legalization and pattern of regulation of CBD products, CBD beverages appear to be a favorite with many in the form of ready-to-drink private label supplements.

What are the contents of CBD beverages?

CBD beverages are produced from cannabidiol, a substance that doubles as the second major active component in marijuana or cannabis plants. CBD beverages do not exert the psychoactive effects that are typical of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another important phytochemical in cannabis plants.

The process of producing CBD beverages

The production of a particular CBD beverage is highly dependent on the type of product. Generally, the entire beverage formulation will be filtered and then infused with cannabidiol. Due to its versatility, cannabidiol can be added to all types of beverages, ranging from non-alcoholic drinks to coffees, herbal teas, and flavored waters.

What’s so special about CBD? Why the hype?

CBD drinks may still be new to the beverage formulation industry and private label supplements, but their popularity is increasing by the day, even as cannabis-based products face legalization issues globally. From the American perspective, the boost in CBD’s popularity is attributed to its high availability, coupled with growing health trends, and with more Americans substituting sugary drinks for seemingly “healthier” alternatives. CBD offers itself as an excellent substitute, thanks to the fact that it is “naturally sourced.”

What role does CBD play in the beverage industry?

CBD does not have any psychoactive effects; thus, the drinker will not get “high” as compared to tetrahydrocannabinol. On the contrary, CBD that can be used in our beverage formulations has several health benefits. Clinical research shows that it helps with several health conditions.

Clinical trials have shown that CBD has lethal effects on cancer cells, but protects healthy cells. CBD drinks have anti-inflammatory properties, and so can serve as a source of relief to people suffering from arthritis and chronic pain. Research on the effects of cannabidiol on depression, anxiety, and insomnia are showing promising results as well.

Our insight on CBD

We’ve been able to establish why cannabidiol is a common ingredient in food products. With respect to beverage formulations, adding CBD to a drink not only increases its marketability, but it also eases incorporation of CBD into one's lifestyle – implying that your drink will be able to impact positively on your health or your customer’s health.

So, if you want to change the world’s current drinks to something more creative and also cash out on a $22bn industry… Give us a call and we will get started on your new CBD beverage formulation or private label supplement.